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Acupuncture | Chinese Herbal Medicine | Tui Na Massage | Nutritional Therapy | Radiant Health Coaching
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About Neil
Neil is a firm advocate of the use of Chinese health practices in the pursuit of optimum health.
He believes that holistic Chinese medicine techniques remain the best way to treat illness and improve health on all levels and is dedicated to spreading this message far and wide.
He teaches that everyone can improve their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, in a constant and ongoing 'Radiant Health Evolution'.
If you want to experience that evolution for yourself, you're in the right place.
Recommended Reading: Live Well, Live Long by Peter Deadman
/in Recommended Reading, Yang Sheng /by Neil KAt last a book on yang sheng! If you don’t know, yang sheng (literally ‘nourishing life’) is a very important thread throughout Chinese medicine, but sadly not often talked about. It encompasses all the arts, practices and techniques of self-cultivation. Things you can do improve your health and well-being on all levels. It’s what I’ve […]
Chinese Herbal Medicine For Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
/in Chinese Medicine, Diseases / Conditions /by Neil KFor men, there are few issues that are more difficult to seek help for than erectile dysfunction (or ‘impotence’ to use an older term) and yet it’s a very common condition. Around 40% of men will suffer with it at age 40, which rises to 70% at age 70. Research On Herbs For ED Chinese […]
Acupressure And Massage For Stress
/in Massage, Tui Na Chinese Massage /by Neil KMassage reduces stress? Really? OK, to some people that might seem pretty obvious… but I think that this is an area that’s worth delving into a little bit deeper, and especially the Chinese approach to dealing with stress using massage and acupressure in combination. It’s a very potent treatment that goes way beyond just ‘a […]
Breakfast Ideas: Huevos Rancheros
/in Healing Recipes, Nutrition & Healing Foods /by Neil KA suggestion for a healthy (and delicious) breakfast or brunch for you – Huevos Rancheros (Spanish for ‘Rancher’s Eggs’) I probably eat this once or twice per week. It does take a little more time to cook than just pouring a bowl of cereal, but it’s worth the effort. It’s highly nutritious, and high in […]
Acupuncture For Anxiety
/in Acupuncture, Bristol, Diseases / Conditions /by Neil KPeople often think of acupuncture as a treatment for physical problems, and search out an acupuncturist when they have a bad back, headaches, or a frozen shoulder. But fewer people think of it as a treatment for mental or emotional conditions, which is a shame, as it’s a very effective treatment these kinds of problems. […]
Recommended Reading: ‘Brodo, A Bone Broth Cookbook’ by Marco Canora
/in Nutrition & Healing Foods, Recommended Reading /by Neil KIf you’ve been with me for any time, you’ll have heard me extolling the virtues of bone broth. So I was very happy to hear about ‘Brodo’ – a bone broth cookbook by New York broth fanatic Marco Canora. Canora, an multi-award winning chef, runs Hearth, a ‘farm-to-table’ restaurant in New York’s East Village. One […]
Chinese Herbal Medicine For Psoriasis
/in Chinese Herbs, Diseases / Conditions /by Neil KPsoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. It can begin at any age, but once it appears it is normally chronic (long lasting) When severe, it can be itchy or painful, and it can really effect quality of life. The NHS website quite happily tells […]
Acupuncture For Migraines
/in Acupuncture, Bristol, Diseases / Conditions /by Neil KFor some reason, I have had a recent surge of people coming to my clinic for help with migraines, so I thought this would be a good blog post topic. There’s plenty to say, as acupuncture can be an extremely effective treatment for migraines! Let’s start with the research: MRI scans show specific changes in […]
Chinese Medicine For Prostatitis And BHP
/in Chinese Herbs, Chinese Medicine /by Neil KProstatitis and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BHP) both refer to swelling of the prostate, a small gland tucked underneath the bladder in men (women don’t have prostates). Prostatitis/BHP can be acute (short term) or chronic (long term) and can have a number of causes. Acute prostatitis is caused by an infection. It comes on quickly and […]