
Scalp Acupuncture For Neurolgical & Psycho-emotional Conditions

Scalp acupuncture is a way of using acupuncture to stimulate…

Acupuncture For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Acupuncture is a more effective treatment than ibuprofen at reducing…

Chinese Medicine Treatments For Acne

When I was a teenager I had terrible acne, and I remember how…
Hay fever

Acupuncture For Hay Fever / Allergic Rhinitis

If part of you is dreading the approach of late Spring, and the…
Burning moxa

Magical Moxa - How Acupuncturists Harness The Power Of Fire

Everyone has heard of acupuncture these days, but a lot of people…

Acupuncture And Chinese Medicine For IBS

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a growing problem, but Western…