Acupuncture For Back Pain
One of the things acupuncture is most well known for is treatment of pains and injuries and in my Bristol clinic I probably treat more bad backs than any other part of the body.
Acupuncture is an extremely effective holistic treatment for all kinds of back problems, whether it’s to do with ‘wear and tear’ for instance arthritis, or an injury, or just tense and knotted muscles, maybe from bad posture or working conditions.
According to Chinese theory, “where there is pain there is no free flow, and where there is free flow there is no pain” – this says that all types of pain and discomfort are due to a lack of ‘free flow’. In particular, it is the stagnation and blockage of the flow of Qi and Blood that is the primary cause of pain.
Or another way of looking at it is that a healthy pain-free body moves and flows without restriction or impingement. Tight muscles, damaged tendons or ligaments, inflammation, bony growths or misalignment all interfere with the ‘free flowing’ movement of the body and can cause pain.
When it comes to the back, lower back problems are common in people who sit all day, especially drivers, and can also be the result of injuries, for instance trying to lift something too heavy. Upper back, neck and shoulder issues are generally posture related, and are common in people who use a computer all day.
I treat plenty of both, and I’m pleased to say, the results are normally excellent!
The Acupuncture Treatment For Back Pain
1 Assessment – First I get all the details of the problem – exact location, what it feels like, what makes it better or worse, how long you’ve had it, and so on. That’s followed by some questions about your overall health to see what else could be going on ‘below the surface’. Part 2 of the assessment is to feel around the area in question, looking for knots, tension, or anything else untoward.
2. Acupuncture – On the basis of my findings, I’ll normally use a number of points at the site of the problem. I will probably also use some points elsewhere on the body (called ‘distal points’) which will enhance the effect of the treatment
3. Supplementary Therapies – It’s normally helpful to combine acupuncture with some tui na massage – I really find that this helps to make the treatment much more effective. Sometimes I will also use moxibustion.
4. Follow-up – Depending on the exact nature of the problem, it’s normally wise to come for some follow-up sessions. As a rule of thumb, the longer you’ve had the problem, the longer it will take to treat, but of course each case is different. Normally acupuncture works very well for back pain.
For more details of my Bristol & S.Wales acupuncture practices, visit the Consultations page or contact me.